Publishing Your Project to Spatial

After you've built and tested your project, publish it to Spatial to share it with the world. Be sure to thoroughly test your project before publishing it!

Publish a Package

To publish a package:

  1. Click the Publishing button in the Unity toolbar to open the Spatial Portal.

    The publish button in the Unity toolbar

  2. Click the Publish button!

    Publish your package

Publishing a project packages it up and uploads it to Spatial. We process the package on our backend, which can take anywhere from a few minutes to 2-3 hours. You can check the status of your published package in the Spatial Studio.

If you have previously published this project before, we will automatically update the existing package with the new changes. Spatial uses the assigned SKU to find and update your package. Otherwise, a new package will be created in Spatial Studio.

Publishing Status

The publishing status of your package can be found in Spatial Studio under the Packages tab. You will receive an email when your package is successfully published or if an error occurs during the publishing process. For failed packages, you can download build logs to help diagnose the issue. If you continue to experience publishing issues, reach out on Discord!

Manage packages in Spatial Sutdio

Managing Multiple Packages

If you have multiple scenes/spaces within a single Unity project, you can publish them to Spatial as separate packages. Here's how:

  1. In the Creator Toolkit settings window, go to Config.
  2. To create a new Package to publish to Spatial, next to Create New, choose Environment, then click Create.
  3. Under Active Package > Environment Variants, drag the scene(s) you want to include in you project in the Scene property.
  4. To change which Package you publish from your Project to Spatial:
    • In the Active Package drop-down, select the package of the scene you want to publish as it’s own space.
    • Confirm the Active Package details in the section below are correct, and click Publish.