Render Pipeline Settings Overrides

Override Universal Render Pipeline (URP) asset properties to control graphical features and quality settings.


  1. Create a new GameObject in the scene.
  2. Add the SpatialRenderPipelineSettingsOverrides component.
  3. Only one SpatialRenderPipelineSettingsOverrides can be attached in a scene.

RenderPipeline Settings Overrides component


Essentially, the properties are the same as those of the Universal Render Pipeline Asset.


PropertyDescriptionSpatial Default
Override Render Pipeline SettingsEnable this to override Render Pipeline settings.Disabled
Depth TextureEnables URP to create a _CameraDepthTexture. Disable this option if any shader utilizes it.Enabled
Opaque TextureEnable this to create a _CameraOpaqueTexture. Disable this option if any shader utilizes it.Enabled
Opaque DownsamplingSet the sampling mode on the opaque texture. Options: None, 2x Bilinear, 4x Box, 4x Bilinear.2x Bilinear


PropertyDescriptionSpatial Default
HDREnable this to allow rendering in High Dynamic Range (HDR) by default for every camera in your Scene.Enabled
Anti Aliasing (MSAA)Use Multisample Anti-aliasing by default for every Camera in your Scene while rendering. Options: 2x, 4x, 8x. This significantly impacts performance on mobile devices.2X


PropertyDescriptionSpatial Default
Shadow ResolutionThis controls how large the shadow map texture for the main light is.2048
Additional Lights (Readonly)Spatial uses Per Pixel and doesn't allow other options.Per Pixel
Per Object LimitThis slider sets the limit for how many additional lights can affect each GameObject. Try to keep this value as low as possible, depending on the number of realtime lights in the scene.4


PropertyDescriptionSpatial Default
Max DistanceThe maximum distance from the Camera at which Unity renders the shadows. (Metric Units)30
Last BorderThe size of the area where Unity fades out the shadows.6
Depth BiasUse this setting to reduce shadow acne.1
Normal BiasUse this setting to reduce shadow acne.1


PropertyDescriptionSpatial Default
Grading ModeSelect the color grading mode to use for the Project. Options: High Dynamic Range, Low Dynamic Range.Low Dynamic Range
LUT SizeSet the size of the internal and external look-up textures (LUTs) that the Universal Render Pipeline uses for color grading.32